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May 17,2019
/ adminTop Symptoms of Liver Diseases You Should Be Aware Of
Blessed is human health to have an organ as multifunctional, regenerative and resilient as the liver. Yes, the human liver is multifunctional because it performs a whooping 500 functions spread across a diverse spectrum. The liver is regenerative because it has the capability to regenerate the damaged cells on its own and thus has a natrual mechanism that safeguards it. The liver is resilient because it can absorb damages to a great extent. However, even the liver has a chink in it’s armour. Poor lifetsyle choices like alcohol abuse, unclean drinking water and unhygienic living conditions can lead to the contraction of liver diseases.
Challenges Posed by Liver Diseases
Given the centrality of the liver and the functions that it performs, a breakdown of the liver can cause a serious setback to the digestive system, levels of metabolism and our general energy levels. In many cases where people are diagnosed meticulously and thus, liver diseases are detected at an early stage, it is possible to administer requisite medication and follow a disciplined regimen of diet, rest and exercise to bounce back to fitness. However, in extreme cases liver diseases are only detected at a very late stage, after irreparable damage has already been inflicted on the liver, leaving no choice for any line of treatment to work, save the sole option of liver transplant surgery.
Liver diseases very often than not have very subtle signs and symptoms, thus making it very difficult for affected people and their friends and family to detect and neutralize the threat, when it is happening. Therefore, it makes enormous good sense to stay informed of the following signs and symptoms of liver diseases. Take a look.
Feeling Tired
First, one of the first symptoms of liver disease is frequent fatigue. A person suffering from liver diseases experiences frequent fatigue and tiredness. It has been observed and also reported in a study published in the year 2006 that liver diseases affect the neurotransmission within the brain of the affected person. As such feelings of exhaustion and tiredness are frequent and the affected person find it difficult to stay productive and active at work.
Second, bloating is considered to be a subtle symptom of liver diseases. While, it is common for a person to experience bloating after eating a five-course meal, it may have hidden significance. A person who has contracted a liver disease is likely to experience bloating even without a heavy meal. The explanation behind this is the build-up of ascites in the abdominal region that causes the area to swell. It is advised that a person consult a doctor at the earliest, on experiencing a bloat.
Stomach Pain
Third, stomach pain is a symptom that may just point towards a liver disease. It is common for a person afflicted with a liver diseases to suffer from stomach pain accompanied with bouts of nausea and vomit. Doctors assert that if a person complains of experiencing pain on the lower side to the right of the rib cage, it may just be a sign of liver disease.
Gaining a Lot of Weight
Fourth, it is commonly observed that a person suffering from a liver disease is likely to gain weight. The explanation behind this phenomenon is that liver diseases when left unchecked beyond a point of time replace the healthy liver tissues with scar tissues that block the flow of blood through the liver, in the process inhibiting the routine functioning of the organ. Under such circumstances, the person’s metabolism rate gets distorted, leading to an abrupt weight gain.
Losing a Lot of Weight
Fifth, while it may seem astounding, it is equally true that liver diseases may cause the afflicted person to loss weight. It has been observed that a sudden loss of weight is likely to be associated with liver diseases like Hepatitis C and in certain instances may also be indicative of liver cirrhosis.
Body Pain
Sixth, yet another subtle symptom of a liver disease is body pain. While it is common for a person to experience body pain in the event of overdoing the exercise regimen or starting off with a new regimen of physical activity, the experience of body pain without any exercises, is in many cases symbolic of the person suffering from liver diseases.
Getting Bruised Very Easily
Seventh, one of the subtle signs of liver diseases is that the affected person gets bruised easily. It has been observed that in certain instances the person may also continue to bleed profusely despite suffering an apparently minor injury. While bruises tend to increase with aging, a person suffering from liver diseases may have more bruises on his body without an otherwise normal explanation.
Spider Angiomas
Eighth, a person suffering from liver diseases may develop spider like capillaries beneath the skin that are caused by higher levels of oestrogen. It so happens that liver diseases enable the enlargement of the arterioles that connect the arteries to the capillaries, thus getting visible beneath the skin.
Itchy Skin
Ninth, itchy skin if not caused by a vitamin deficiency or a dust allergy may be an indicator of liver diseases. In fact liver diseases are also known to be associated with itchy skin that is again directly associated with the blockage of the bile duct.
Yellow Pigmentation of Skin and Eyes
Tenth, on the list of the signs and symptoms of liver diseases is the yellow pigmentation of the skin and eyes that is generally associated with a host of liver diseases. The explanation for the yellow pigmentation observed is a rise in the levels of bilirubin in the blood and is usually concurrent with the affliction of jaundice and Hepatitis B.
While the symptoms and signs listed above are generally associated with liver diseases, there are other symptoms as well that may only become visible on seeking the advice of a medical practitioner. Remember that in many cases liver diseases do have a cure. Some others that may have done exceedingly serious damage to the liver, may need a liver transplant. On a concluding note though, it makes enormous good sense to be proactive in guarding one’s liver health through the practice of basic personal health and hygiene and making the right lifestyle choices.
Patients in need of support for their liver transplant surgery procedure can reach out to TPAF on the web at, subscribe to the TPAF newsletter or write to
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